
Art installation of collective ideas

10 - 30 წუთი
დახურული და ღია სივრცე
10 - განუსაზღვრელი


Net-work is a fun way of getting everyone interacting and freely expressing their opinion. Given a specific topic and a list of words that relate to that topic, participants are invited to select the words that mean the most to them in relation to that topic. They connect their words on the art board and discuss their thoughts and opinions with other in the group. The interwoven results offer a colourful visual reference for facilitator´s debriefing and reflection. Counting the number of nodes with the most (or least) connections reveals natural data that can be used to measure the popularity of conference topics, shared values or gaps in understanding.

სწავლების შედეგები

Shared ideas in a playful environment create an unexpected masterpiece. The activity helps ‘break the ice’ and encourage a natural flow of conversation. By connecting the string with the statements, all participants ‘sign in’ to the collaborative creation of an art masterpiece which represents a powerful message. With each contribution, you can see the evolution of the interactive survey and listen to buzzy talks among the participants. At the end of the activity, the NET-WORK word cloud can be evaluated as a psychoanalytical and psycho-social tool and gather fascinating insights into the main topic.

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