iBuild Festive

Ignite team communication

1.5 - 3 საათები
4 - განუსაზღვრელი


Participants are split into groups and told that they aim to create a replica of a model without looking at it. Teams allocate roles and develop a communication strategy to complete the task. Teams start to recreate the original model by following game rules and guidelines. The necessary information is communicated down a chain of people to the “Elves”. At half-time, team members switch roles and continue the build process. When time is up, teams come together to view their achievements, celebrate, and discuss their successes.

სწავლების შედეგები

ibuild Festive is a unifying experience with strong outcomes focusing on the importance of language, feedback and creating a step-by-step project strategy. The strict rules are designed specifically to emphasize the main principles of accurately conveying information. ibuild Festive is a great way of enhancing internal communication skills between different company teams or departments, as well as customer communication. ibuild Festive is a fun way to lift the team spirit and sense of success at your end-of-year meeting based on the principles of gamification.

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