Global Innovation Game

Generate new ideas to pitch and invest

45 წუთი - 2 საათები
შემაჯიბრებელი / გამაერთიანებელი
18 - განუსაზღვრელი


Organise: Playing cards are dealt to each team, ensuring an even mix of Object, Tech & Data cards.
Innovate: Team members then choose a card of each colour and create either a Smart Object, Service or Tool.
Validate: Each Team picks the best idea from their table, and validate the chosen team idea and create a two-minute pitch which they will deliver to the room.
Pitch: All Teams pitch their idea to the room.
Invest: Teams then invest with our banker putting game money down on the idea they like most.

სწავლების შედეგები

Global Innovation Game has been developed out of a need to step away from everyday tech devices. Our millennial generation have inspired its creation.

Global Innovation Game brings it back to basics, gets everyone openly talking, innovating & creating ideas without the aid of search engines, PowerPoints & screens. Global Innovation Game is a fun and rewarding event that encourages creativity & rewards those who are most innovative.

Related Testimonial

The Global Innovation Game is both fun, energising and really useful to get us all thinking and working in different ways and as part of mini teams. We all had such a good boost going back to our desks that afternoon and definitely got us thinking outside the box!

Shauna Callagy
Coyne Research

AI Team Building Activity

AI Team Building Activities Logo

This activity has been innovated to utilise AI. Gamifying AI in this program creates a safe and engaging environment to explore and get hands-on experience with AI tools as a team. The outcomes are multifaceted, providing valuable insights and practical applications in the workplace. Click here for more AI Team Building Activities.

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ეს აქტივობა შეიქმნა პირისპირ, დისტანციური, ჰიბრიდული და სხვადასხვა ადგილმდებარეობაზე მყოფი გუნდებისთვის. თუ თქვენი გუნდი სახლიდან მუშაობს, სხვადასხვა რეგიონალურ ოფისებში ან სხვადასხვა ქვეყნებში, მოიკითხეთ ჩვენთან ამ აქტივობის დისტანციური ან ჰიბრიდული ვერსია. დაგვიკავშირდით რათა გაიგოთ, როგორ მოვარგებთ ამ გამოცდილებას თქვენს გუნდზე.

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